My thanks to owner Ken Meyers for these pictures. Ken is the original owner, and this 56 cm. frame still has the original paint.

Built in Reynolds 531 tubing, this one definitely shows my English heritage. The contrasting color on the head tube and panels on the seat and down tubes was typical of English frames from the 1970s.
The World Championship rainbow bands that edge the panels were from a small supply I had brought with me when I moved to the US just two years earlier. The “Union Jack” British flag decals were cut from the Masi Gran Criterium decals that had flags of several nations.

This frame was built with “Henry James” lugs, hand cut at the head tube to the shape you see here.
Wow! Now that's a beauty! I know you built about 3000 Fusos, how many customs of this caliber were produced?
This bike looks practically unridden to boot. Interesting how the asthetic details compliment the Campy Aniversary Groupo so nicely, even though the frame was built and painted perhaps six years before Campy broght it to market.
I want one! May the Gods of eBay shine down... a 59cm with a 57 top tube please.
Ah, just found it on your home page, 200+, and 18 in my size. Ya never know...
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